Love Live! (and Sunshine) Kozu Beach and Nebukawa Station

Getting to Numazu from Tokyo is easy as it is all on the Tokaido Main Line. The Line however passes through two locations on the way to Numazu so it may be worth investing in a Seishun 18 kippu as part of a larger trip around Japan as breaking your journey into segments increases the total cost of the trip.


All photos from 4th April, 2018. Click on them for a large version.

Kozu Beach / 国府津の砂浜

Kozu Beach is the location where μ's declared their intention to disband, and is also a location visited by the cast of Sunshine. Easily accessed from Kozu station on the Tokaido Main Line, it is a mere 5 minute walk from the station.

Word of caution, the path down goes through a residential area and I dragged a suitcase down to save the 500 yen locker fee, making plenty of noise which got the attention of a local woman. She later confronted me in a highly accusatory manner which was a pain in the butt. Do a Mari (vs Kanan), pretend you don't speak Japanese even if you do and exctricate yourself from the situaion ASAP if ever this happens. The Japanese in residential areas are hyper-sensitive towards outside visitors.


警告, 砂浜までの下り道は住宅地です。ロッカーに500円がもったいないと音を立てて荷物を引っ張ったら地元の40歳ぐらいの女性が突っかかってきました。行動は静かにするのがおすすめです。どうも気をつけてください。

μ's and Aqours on the beach
μ's と Aqours

We will be disbanding!

The sea wall here has been rebuilt in 2017 (Heisei 29) and therefore, the steps have gone. Just like the Ruby bench in Hakodate. Despite the beach being beside an expressway, the crashing waves drown the sound out and the colour of the vast water is beautiful. The place is surprisingly relaxing and surely produces "the sound of the ocean" that Riko was searching for.

ここの海岸堤防は平成29年に建て直されています。それが原因で階段が無くなっています。函館のルビーベンチみたいに。。。 高速の隣なのに水の音が大きく「海の音」を探してたリコちゃんにふさわしい場所だと思います。水の色が綺麗で思いませんが結構リラックスできる場所です。

Just 2 stops further along the line from Kozu towards Numazu is Odawara, famed for its castle especially during the cherry blossom season. I saved my locker fees at Kozu due to my planned stop at Odawara.


Nebukawa Station / 根府川駅

Nebukawa is 2 more stations from Odawara, in the direction of Numazu on the Tokaido Main Line. The station was visited by both μ's and Aqours. The station is hinted as being beside Kozu beach but it is actually in a totally different place! I timed my arrival at sunset but upon further research, you will only get the lighting of the anime during sunrise in December.

沼津方面で小田原からさらに二駅は根府川駅です。μ'sとAqoursが立ち寄ってる駅です。国府津の砂浜と同じ場所と見せつけられていますが完全に違う場所です! 夕方に立ち寄ったのですが恐らく12月の日の出ではないとこの空の光景は見られないみたいです。


This station has the distinction of it being unstaffed despite being in the Kanto region. You need to take a ticket certifying that you started your journey from this stop from a dispensing machine. You will need to show that to the station staff where you get off, who will then calculate the fare. In my case, I showed the staff at Numazu station!


Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed my entry!


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