
Showing posts from October, 2017

A Silent Voice - The Shape of Location (Part 3 of 3)

Planning is important, and we're not the first KnK location hunter to get caught out for even the veteran, Michael Vito had his share of challenges. Three minutes. That's all there was to it. I had assumed that since the train line to Yoro was electrified, the intervals wouldn't be too bad. We had missed our train by 3 minutes, and the next one wouldn't be leaving for another 40. This trip has been rather happy-go-lucky but one sometimes has to face the consequences. That said, Surwill and I productively killed the 40 minute wait by improving on our shots at the ticketing area of Ogaki station and having some fun at the bookstore, commenting on magazines and me purchasing lead weight (Dengeki G's with B2 Love Live Riko poster). I would also later learn that the Ogaki summer festival with the fireworks would be held on the very same night. Had I gone to OCD levels of planning, we would have done things quicker to see the fireworks, but again, rushing would ha...